9 February 1995


     To:          SPS and PS coordinators

     From:        Lorenzo Foà

     Subject:     Guidelines for the use of SPS and PS test beams

  1. Requests related to activities of the CERN research programmes

  2. Requests related to activities of the research programme of another
    laboratory in a CERN Member state.

    The same procedure as under 1 above will apply. In addition, the Director
    of the relevant laboratory should have requested from the Director of
    Research of CERN agreement in using CERN test beams for his purpose.

  3. Requests related to activities of the research programme of a laboratory
    in a CERN Non-Member State.

    Such requests must be addressed to the Director of Research via the
    relevant Coordinator and independantly from the amount of time requested.
The Coordinators will monitor the allocation of test beams for approved R&D projects and will make sure that the above guidelines are properly followed. In particular projects which have been rejected by a Committee should not be allocated test beam time in excess of the above threshold.

c.c: LHCC and SPSLC Chairmen, Committee Secretaries